Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 1 revised SLP

Module 1 revised SLP

Q Question: To begin the MGT599 SLP sequence, you first need to first run the simulation using the Default Decisions. In other words, use the prices and R&D percentages that are already there (do not change any decisions made by Joe Thomas). Capture or collect the results for each product (W1, W2, and W3) for each year that you run the simulation. Copy (using Excel, by hand, or some other method) the financial results and marketing results, as well as the information provided by your Advisor. Write a 6- to 7-page paper (not including cover and reference pages), using Sally’s instructions, which follow: Sally asks you to review Joe’s decisions from 2013 through 2016 to see what was going on in terms of product development, sales, pricing, and performance. Your final report is due on Sally's desk by January 15, 2017 – you have only 2 weeks to run the simulation, analyze your results, and write up the report, so you had best get started on this now! Using the default decisions (i.e., make no changes within the simulation), analyze Joe Thomas's decisions and results, and then write the report that Sally is requesting. Access the Wonder Company simulation and collect the data for each year. Determine where you believe Joe went wrong, and propose a new strategy. Support your revised strategy using financial analysis and relevant business theories.

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There are three types of Tablets dealt by Wonder Company. It is upon us to price and apportion these three types of tablets in a manner that the maximum general accumulative profit which can be received. We see that Joe has kept not only the same price but also the Research and development share for the period that would be of four years. We need to make required changes in this keep in mind the profitability and also the performance of this product.